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BNB fixing

Тhe access to the UBB Mobile app will be temporarily discontinued and you will not be able to use its services


19 January 2023

Dear clients,

This is to inform you that as from 20 h on 20 January (Friday) we will resume the work on the technical upgrade of our systems, for which reason we need to temporarily discontinue the access to UBB Mobile. We anticipate to have the service operational around 22 h. on 22 January (Sunday) at the earliest.

Up-to-date information in the event of changes in the end time will be at your disposal in the social networks (UBB pages in Facebook and LinkedIn), as well as on our website ubb.bg.

Over the indicated period there will be no on-duty branches of UBB, however our ATM network will be functioning normally. You may continue using your bank cards, both the physical ones and those in your digital wallets, as usual.

Further below you will find information about the alternative channels, through which you will be able to effect various banking operations within the said period:

· For payment with a debit or credit card of utility bills and installments under credit liabilities you will be able to use the UPAY payment gateway(www.ubbpay.bg ). Payments with a UBB card through this gateway are free of charge and can be made by both registered and non-registered users.

· Online payments with UBB cards will be confirmed via a static password (indicated by you upon registering the card for payments on the Internet), as well as a dynamic password (received for every online payment through an SMS). In the screen for confirming the payment at the merchant you need to select ADDITIONAL METHODS and then the Dynamic and Static Password method. Temporarily online card payments will not be able to be confirmed through UBB Mobile.

· With regard to blocking of cards, please refer to UBB Contact Centre at the following telephone number 0700 117 17.

· With regard to payment of liabilities under credit cards - you can deposit an installment at the specialized ATMs of UBB (https://www.ubb.bg/offices) .

· The UBB Online banking functionality will be accessible in offline mode, as fund transfers, ordered within the said period, will be posted after 23.01.2023, while the inquiry information concerning account balances will be restricted as at 20.01.2023. No other services will be available. There may be temporary interruptions in the access to UBB Online.

N.B! Please, note that UBB IS NOT GOING TO demand from you any actions whatsoever in line with the upgrade of the Bank’s system.

The Bank does not send messages, urging its clients to confirm and provide online sensitive data, such as: user name, access passwords and activation codes for online banking or card details (names, embossed on a card, card number, validity data and CVC code). Please, be vigilant and do not follow links in such suspicious messages – this is a fraud attempt.

Should you have any questions or need assistance you can contact us via the Client Contact Centre at the following telephone number: 0700 117 17.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.


The UBB Team

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