Corporate social responsibility
Corporate resilience and responsibility over recent years is not a goal per se, nor just a fancy trend - it is a way of doing business. It is only by embedding resilience as an integral constituent of our common corporate strategy that we could trigger positive difference. The world is ever changing, hence in order to truly position ourselves as a factor in social life and respond to new needs, expectations and desires of all our stakeholders we should act in a purpose-driven manner, while caring for and attending to society.
You can read the 2023 Annual Report to Society of KBC Group in Bulgaria HERE in Bulgarian and HERE in English.
Our corporate resilience and responsibility strategy
Sustainability is interwoven in our corporate strategy, hence it is embedded in its five pillars (financial literacy, entrepreneurship, health, environment and responsible behavior) and in our daily commercial activities. To us it means that we are capable of meeting the expectations of all stakeholders, not only today, but with an outlook to the future. To us it means that we are capable of meeting the expectations of all stakeholders, not only today, but with an outlook to the future. It is exactly with such ambition that KBC Group companies aim their efforts at:
- Enhancement of our positive influence on the society
- Mitigating our negative imprint on the society
- Encouraging responsible behaviour among employees
While staying focused on these three big targets we believe in achieving larger efficiency in our operations and will contribute to making socially responsible ambitions come true.
We bring into the spotlight those aspects of our activity, which express our understanding for our role in society and validate our efforts for being the reference in any business line of ours.
Responsible behavior is the basis of our engagement with customers. At KBC Group in Bulgaria we act in the best interest of our customers by delivering both the outputs (benefits) and the right outcomes for customers:
- We know our business.
- We provide information which is clear, fair and not misleading.
- If we say we will do something we do it.
- We aim for win-win relationships.
You can read the 2023 Annual Report of KBC Group to Society HERE