Three united branches already serve clients of CIBANK and UBB

21 August 2017
As a next step of the union of the two banks, three united branches already serve clients of both CIBANK and UBB, and in these branches clients will be advised on the entire range of products and services offered by the two banks. The interior and exterior of the new branches will be specially branded in order to indicate clearly that they serve clients of both banks.
On 21.08.2017, three of the offices and branches of CIBANK and UBB were united and moved to the following new addresses:
• Gabrovo Branch, Sevlievo Office of CIBANK located at 64 Stefan Peshev Str. was moved to 15 Nikola Genev Str. in a branch of UBB.
*Working hours: from Monday to Friday, 8:30 -16:30 h.
• Maria Luiza Office of CIBANK in Sofia City located at 44 Maria Luiza Blvd. was moved to 70 Maria Luiza Blvd. in a branch of UBB.
*Working hours: from Monday to Friday, 8:30 -16:30 h.
• Blagoevgrad Branch, Bansko Office of CIBANK located at 22 Bulgaria Str. was moved to 7 Pirin Str. in a branch of UBB.
*Working hours: from Monday to Friday, 8:30 -16:30 h.
As of 21.08.2017, for the sake of convenience, clients of CIBANK and UBB may use both banks’ ATMs for the same withdrawal fees that they have paid previously.
Each optimization of the branch networks of both banks is based on specific criteria for workflow efficiency and client convenience, including best location and size of the branch and its premises.
We will continue to inform in due time the clients of both banks about all upcoming changes with regard to the future union of branches.