UWIN and GiAnni with a special Facebook game for St. Valentine’s Day

05 February 2016
A special Facebook game of UBB for St. Valentine’s Day -14 February - will mark its new partner in the UWIN loyalty program for cardholders – an Italian chain of stores, selling shoes and handbags of the GIAnni brand.
In the period from 5 to 11 February on UBB’s official page in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/UnitedBulgarianBank) all fans will be able to immerse in the enchanting world of love, where shoes lead their way to princesses and dear things are in the heart, as well as enroll for the special awards of UWIN and GIAnni. Upon the game’s closing six lucky clients, drawn out of all participating users, will receive prizes on the occasion of 14 February with the compliments of both the Bank, as well as the chain of stores.
This is yet another initiative of UBB under its UWIN loyalty program for cardholders not only in recognition of its successful partnerships, but also aimed at vesting signature holidays in our calendar with smiles and emotions.
UWIN loyalty program is extremely attractive since it allows accumulation of real bonuses upon purchases with either a credit card or a World Debit Master Card by UBB. More information about the program is available here, while information about the current offers of GIAnni – makers for more than 20 years, jointly with Italian designers, of Bulgarian shoes and bags for men and women - can be found here.