UBB Takes Part in the Equity Day Initiative

10 June 2019
All individual investors in Bulgarian shares, who are customers of UBB, will be able to buy or sell shares on the stock exchange without payment of fees to intermediaries and institutions.
On June 12, 2019, UBB AD will take part in the fifth-anniversary event of Equity Day - an initiative organized by the Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD and Central Depository AD. The Bank supports this initiative, which aims to promote the capital market and increase investment culture in the country. In this regard, on June 12, 2019, all individual investors (natural persons) in Bulgarian shares who are customers of UBB AD will be able to make purchase or sale transactions on the exchange without paying commissions to the intermediary and fees to the institutions.
The provided opportunity will apply to up to 15 executed orders per an individual with not more than BGN 2 000 per a single order executed.
You can find more information about the initiative at: https://bse-sofia.bg/bg/