UBB removes the fee for blink P2P payments, amounting up to BGN 10 000, till the end of June 2025

11 February 2025
UBB will not be charging a fee for blink P2P payments in amounts up to BGN 10 000. The Bank, which according to data of the National Card and Payment Scheme, part of BORICA, is a leader in interbank fund transfers to mobile number as of December 2024, announces a special promo offer for its clients till 30 June 2025, in view of boosting digital payments and creating a sustainable habit with clients for using this payment opportunity.
„We at UBB consistently aim at offering our customers more and more digital services, which to facilitate their daily routine, as well as save them time and money. Through blink P2P fund transfers in UBB Mobile individual customers can transfer money within seconds, regardless of the beneficiary’s bank, and now this is free of charge for fund transfers up to BGN 10 000. Through the growing use of non-cash payments we all contribute to the more environmentally friendly and sustainable behaviour in our daily lives“, shared Tatyana Ivanova, Executive Director Digitalization, Data and Operations at UBB and Innovation Leader of KBC Group in Bulgaria.
The blink P2P service can be activated in UBB Mobile in a fast and intuitive manner. For the purpose, after login into the app customers need to choose Fund Transfers menu and then – Transfer to Mobile Number, select an account for receiving the fund transfers and grant the permissions, required for service activation purposes. After making the registration, transfers to mobile number are being ordered easily, in just a few clicks.
An additional unique advantage for the UBB customers is the possibility to effect blink P2P transfers through a voice or a text instruction to our digital assistant Kate, who would fill out the parameters of the desired fund transfer and - after confirmation by the customer - execute it within seconds.