Poli Genova is this year’s holder of UBB’s special award for contribution to arts

30 August 2016
Each year we at UBB bestow our award - the second most important distinction during the Apollonia Festival of Arts - to a renowned and worthy Bulgarian artist.
Poli Genova is the new holder of the special statuette, made by the talented Bulgarian sculptor Lina Madzharova. The statuette features an antique effigy of a dolphin – both an ancient symbol of financial relations among people and a mythical companion of Apollo – the God of Arts.
The singer has been top-rated by the fans at the Bank’s official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/UnitedBulgarianBank) following a week-long voting.
Winners of UBB’s award so far are Anthoni Donchev, Angel Zaberski Jr., Kamen Kalev, Silvia Choleva, Eugeniy Yonov, Beloslava, Kamen Donev, Zhivko Petrov and Marius Kurkinski.
Apollonia Festival of Arts is the most significant, long-standing and vast-scale art festival in Bulgaria, which United Bulgarian Bank has been proudly supporting for 22 years already.
A day following the Festival’s official opening – on 3rd September, UBB Stage will present Thierry Maillard Jazz Trio – a project in an innovative musical genre, to which Maillard contributes with his experience, by making classical, jazz and world music mix. Besides Thierry Maillard on the piano, we will listen to Dominique Di Piazza – double bass, and Yoann Schmidt – percussions.