Raiffesenbank is the first bank in Bulgaria to offer foreign currency transactions against a guarantee deposit (FX margin trading)

05 Decempber 2005
On 1st Dec, 2005 Raiffesenbank (Bulgaria) EAD has launched a new service to its corporate and retail clients – FX margin trading. The new product, offered by one of the leading banks in Bulgaria, gives its clients a chance to trade bigger amounts in foreign currency and BGN and a direct access to the interbank markets, using the broad network of Raiffeisenbank’s business contacts with the leading market makers.
The main feature of this product is a flexible scheme for currency transactions for bigger amounts, guaranteed by a collateral deposit. The applied average is 1: 20 and the minimum amount for a single transaction is EUR (USD) 50 000.
For companies with foreign trade activity this product gives possibility to hedge the currency risk in an easy manner and without additional formalities.
Retail clients with experience and knowledge of currency markets can take advantage of this new service and realize profits from the favourable FX movements. The bank and the client sign a bilateral contract for FX margin trading. These transactions are commission free and a credit interest is paid to the collateral deposit. The FX margin deals are directly negotiated with the dealers of Raiffeisenbank.
On the other side the Bank will offer to its clients a full range of information and consulting services – RBBG’s daily market bulletin is distributed via e-mail, as well as an access to the current analyses of Raiffeisen Research – Raiffeisen Group’s experienced unit in analyses and currency forecasts.