Raiffeisen International awarded „Best Bank in Eastern Europe” by Global Finance

08 April 2005
Global Finance awards RZB-subsidiary with the prestigious award for the entire region. Also, country awards are received for Raiffeisen network banks in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rumania and Serbia and Montenegro.
Just before floating on the Vienna Stock Exchange, RZB-subsidiary Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG (Raiffeisen International) has been awarded “Best Bank in Central and Eastern Europe” by the renowned Global Finance magazine. At the same time five network banks of Raiffeisen International received awards for “Best Bank” in their local markets, as Global Finance reported in a press release. The list of winners of „World’s Best Emerging Markets Banks” awards will be published in the May issue of the magazine.
Local awards as “Best Bank” were given to Raiffeisen International network banks in Albania (Raiffeisen Bank Sh.a.), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Raiffeisen Bank d.d.), Romania (Raiffeisen Bank S.A.), Serbia and Montenegro (Raiffeisenbank a.d.), as well as Belarus (Priorbank). Global finance editors - with input from industry analysts, corporate executives and banking consultants – based the decision on factors like growth in assets, profitability, customer service, competitive pricing, and innovative products.
„Through its network banks RZB offers a matchless tight network of banking and financial services in Central and eastern Europe. In 15 markets we are competent partner to our local and international customers,” says Walter Rothensteiner, RZB’s CEO and Raiffeisen International’s Supervisory Board Chairman, adding that “this award is yet another independent acknowledgement of our expertise”.
Herbert Stepic, CEO of Raiffeisen International, refers to the continuing double-digit growth in assets and profits. Over the past five years the average growth per year in assets was more than 40 per cent and 28 per cent in profits. “It is delighting to receive another appreciation from a global source, especially in the process of a flotation” adds Stepic. In the next two weeks Stepic will be travelling across Europe and the U.S. in order to promote the bank to investors and analysts. RZB and Raiffeisen International have received the award for “Best Bank” in the region for the third time in four years.
„We have identified the banks that provide service to corporations seeking to take advantage of substantial opportunities for growth in a sometimes challenging environment.” said Joseph D. Giarraputo, editor and publisher of Global Finance.
Global Finance has more 250.000 readers in over 160 countries aiming especially at portfolio investors and financial analysts.
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Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG (RZB), Vienna, is the central institution of the Austrian Raiffeisen Banking Group, the country's most powerful banking group. RZB is a leading corporate and investment bank in Austria and also considers CEE as its home market. It operates a network of 15 subsidiary banks with 916 banking outlets in 16 markets of the region via its Vienna-based subsidiary Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG.
For further information please contact Andreas Ecker-Nakamura (+43.1-71707-1753, andreas.ecker@rzb.at) or Lars Hofer (+43.1- 71707-1930, lars.hofer@ri.co.at)
http://www.ri.co.at, http://www.rzb.at