Change of statement date, reporting period and due date for UBB business credit card limits

27 September 2022
Dear clients,
We would like to inform you that with effect from 01.10.2022 there is a forthcoming change in the reporting period of accounted transactions linked to limit utilization under business credit cards with UBB.
To date, the reporting of the accounted transactions linked to limit utilization along with the fees and commissions has happened from the 11th day of each month till the 10th day of the next month.
After 01.10.2022, the reporting of the accounted transactions linked to limit utilization along with the fees and commissions shall happen from the 1st day of each month till the last day of that same month. Accordingly, from the first day of the reporting period till the 14th day of the next month, no fee shall be due upon full repayment of the due amounts. The new due date of the liabilities, formed during the Reporting period, shall be the 14th day of the month, following the Reporting period.
As of October, the statements under company limits under business credit cards shall be generated in your business profile in UBB Online on the last day of each calendar month.
To this end, on 30.09.2022 you are to receive a statement, in which the accounted transactions linked to limit utilization, along with the fees and commissions for the period 11.09.2022 – 30.09.2022, shall be reported, as you will receive the subsequent statements accordingly on the last day of the calendar month, to which it relates.
The UBB Team