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Over BGN 263,000 raised so far in support of 28 projects from Raiffeisenbank’s Sixth Donation Campaign "Choose to Help"


18 February 2015

  • Over 60% of the donations are for healthcare projects
  • For six years the campaign has supported 166 projects with more than BGN 2 million

BGN 263 576 were raised during the sixth campaign "Choose to help" 2014 initiated by Raiffeisenbank, and over 60% of the amount is donated to projects in the field of healthcare. The funds were raised from donations of Raiffeisen Group employees and the Bank, which added BGN 100 to each of the employees’ donations. There are also donations from external donors, made directly to the organizations accounts or sent via SMS messages, as well as through the online platform for donations of izberi.rbb.bg.

“This year the tendency for more external donations was clearly outlined – nearly BGN 55 000. This is a proof that the donation campaign evolves and more people outside the Bank have trust in our charity platform and use it to make their personal donations to selected causes”, commented Oliver Roegl, Chairman of the Management Board and Executive Director of Raiffeisenbank.

For the six years during which the donation campaign is conducting, "Choose to help" has supported 166 significant projects in four main fields  – Healthcare, Social sphere, Environmental protection, Culture and education, with a total of BGN 2.02 million.

1775 employees of the Raiffeisen Group in Bulgaria took part in the sixth "Choose to help" campaign. Together with the Bank’s donation of BGN 100 added to each employee’s donation, the sum raised by the bank and the employees reached BGN 208 632.

The campaign took place in the period of October 2014 – January 2015 and supported 28 projects in the fields of Healthcare, the Social sphere, Environmental protection, and Culture and education. Most funds were donated to the project of the Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment and Emergency Medicine /MHATEM/ "N.I.Pirogov" for the purchase of an anesthesia equipment used in the operating room of Children's Traumatology Department (BGN 40 968), followed by the project of The University Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital “Maichin Dom” (BGN 32 522) and the project of the Presidential Administration – “Bulgarian Christmas” (BGN 17 501).

A total of 73 employees of the Raiffeisen Group made donations to projects of their own choice, which had not been initially included in the bank’s list of projects. These donations totaled BGN 9 545.

The website of the initiative http://www.izberi.rbb.bg/ remains active after the public reporting of the results from “Choose to help”, and it will later host the reports of the organizations included in the campaign on how they have spent the donated funds.


BGN 263 576 were raised during the sixth campaign "Choose to help" 2014 initiated by Raiffeisenbank

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