UBB is now a member of the Bulgarian Sustainable Development Council

28 June 2021
UBB has joined the Bulgarian Sustainable Development Council and is now part of the organization, supporting and carrying out activities, which enhance the quality of life in Bulgaria through the building of a sustainable environment and creating of healthy and environmentally friendly habitats.
UBB believes that generating sustainable and profitable growth goes hand in hand with the contribution for a more sustainable society. The Bank, being part of the Belgian KBC Group, applies strict sustainability policies as regards its commercial activities, relating to respecting of human rights, preserving the environment, promoting of business ethics and responsible behaviour. KBC Group in Bulgaria also shares the commitments of the Belgian group and employs its best efforts for reducing its footprint on the environment.
Sustainability is not part of a separate strategy for UBB, but it is embedded in its overall corporate vision, with which the Bank responds to the expectations of all stakeholders – both today, as well as going forward.