UBB launches an API gateway for sandbox developers

14 March 2019
On 14th of March, 2019, in line with the revised version of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2), United Bulgarian Bank (UBB) launched a gateway for developers of Application Program Interface (API), accessible through the bank’s homepage: https://www.ubb.bg/
The updated directive has been transposed in the Payment Services and Payment Systems Act (PSPSA) and it envisages that all suppliers of payment services should provide access to their test environments for external developers (TPP or third party providers)
On the corporate Internet page of UBB, all interested users, providers of information and payment services, fintech companies and others, will find a link to the API developers’ gateway. Full instructions for provision and use of the gateway’s services are published there.
The application of the new regulatory standards for all providers of information and payment services becomes mandatory as from 14th of September, 2019.