UBB offers lower interest rates of 4.836% for residential mortgage loans in Bulgarian leva

01 March 2016
UBB has announced a new offer of 4.836% variable interest rate in BGN, based on a 6-month SOFIBOR and a fixed margin for mortgage loan applicants, willing to purchase residential property, perform construction and completion works and refinance loans with other banks, upon payroll or regular proceeds in a Comfort account. Clients can also choose between 4.90% fixed interest rate for the first 3 years in BGN and a variable interest rate for the remaining loan period, based on a 6-month SOFIBOR + 4.900 % fixed margin.
The Bank’s promotional offer about mortgage loans, refinancing such with other banks, concerns free-of-charge application and approval and expires on 31.03.2016. The promotional terms over the campaign’s period include:
- No application fee
- No collateral appraisal fee
- No fee for legal opinion on the offered collateral and preparation of documents for mortgage registration
- No credit assessment fee
Upon refinancing an existing mortgage loan with another bank, clients are given the option to also consolidate their existing consumer loans and /or obtain additional funds.
Annual Percentage Rate: 5.04% upon a loan of BGN 80 000 for a period of 30 years and 4.836% variable interest rate upon payroll or regular proceeds in a Comfort account: monthly loan installment BGN 421.47; total due amount: BGN 152 952.95. Conclusion of „Property“ and „Life“ insurance policies is needed. APR excludes expenses for insurance.
Further information about UBB loan offers is available here.