UBB uses 100% green energy from ENERGO PRO

26 July 2018
The Bank aims at twofold reduction of its carbon emissions over a 15-year period
United Bulgarian Bank (UBB) has obtained a Green Energy Certificate from ENERGO PRO. The document ascertains that 100% of the electricity, supplied at all UBB locations, serviced by the energy distribution company, is being produced from renewable energy sources. The certificate has been officially handed to Mr. Teodor Marinov, Executive Director Legacy of UBB, by Mr. Boyan Karshakov, Manager of ENERGO PRO, Energy Services.
„The sustainable and responsible behaviour towards the society and the environment is at the core of UBB’s overall Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. The Bank has been constantly investing in the utilization and promotion of environment-friendly technologies. As early as the end of 2016 UBB was certified under ISO 14001:2015 – Environment Management Systems. At all our locations the waste is also being collected separately, and the new building housing the Bank’s Head Office, as well as at the offices throughout the country the used technologies are energy-efficient. The purchasing of green energy from Energo Pro is a natural continuation of a comprehensive process", Mr. Teodor Marinov said upon the certificate’s receipt.
ENERGO PRO’s green energy certificates are based on the Guarantees of Origin, issued by the Sustainable Energy Development Agency. Every green energy certificate has a unique number, a certain validity period and registration with a public register.
Over the period 2015-2017 UBB reduced its carbon footprint with 34%, as in 2015 it produced 16 880 tons of CO2, while in 2017 the CO2 quantities were already down to 10 991 tons. The Bank’s aim is by Y2030 to reduce its carbon emissions with 50% against the benchmark Y2015.
UBB’s responsibility towards the environment means not only reduction of its carbon footprint, but also offering to its clients products and services that will enable them to reduce the harmful impact from their activity on the environment or to promote the use of environmentally friendly products, technologies and energy sources.