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UBB and CEO Angels Club join forces in support of entrepreneurs in Bulgaria


23 November 2023

United Bulgarian Bank (UBB), part of the Belgian financial group KBC, welcomed entrepreneurs and business angels from the CEO Angles club at a dedicated event. The so-called pitching format (showcasing via a presentation) was used to promote three sustainable start-up companies. Mr. Milen Ivanov, founder and Executive Director of CEO Angels Club and Ms. Desislava Simeonova, leader of KBC Group’s sustainable finance programme and Executive Director SME Banking at UBB, declared the session open.

„Welcome on behalf of CEO Angels Club - presently the biggest angels’ organization in Bulgaria. Today, following the transformation trend, we focus on start-up companies, targeting sustainability and the fintech industry, as we join forces with the biggest financial group in this country - КВС Group“, greeted the guests Milen Ivanov.

„Partnerships such as that with CEO Angels Club are important for the KBC Group entities as we believe that entrepreneurship is at the foundation of economies’ development. Presently we at UBB work with more than 100 000 companies, which were start-ups back in time. They had started with a good or even a brilliant idea, with the right people behind it, the appropriate development strategy and with daring investors. We, as a bank, at this early stage can offer mentorship, knowledge and experience sharing, as we have worked with many successful businesses over the years but have also seen companies in difficulties and lessons, learnt the hard way. Being part of a large international group, we could also assist with referrals to our customers in Bulgaria and abroad. We expect this event to be the beginning of a truly beneficial partnership with CEO Angels Club“, Desislava Simeonova shared.

The first joint event of UBB and CEO Angels Club provided a presentation opportunity to three interesting and promising start-up companies, which focus themselves on a sustainable business model. The Posse Pay company has been developing a solution for digital payment and bill-sharing at restaurants. The idea is by scanning a QR code, everyone to pay his/her own bill and leave a tip at his/her own discretion. The project has been launched with the help of AUBG Elevate Accelerator - a programme of the American University in Bulgaria and Eleven Ventures VC fund.

Black Sea Catch is the first product line of the Black Sea region, which is of 100% sustainable fishing, while users may themselves track the catch location and method. This is the only platform in Bulgaria for electronic trade in Bulgarian supplies from the vessel to the table without intermediaries. The entire development process has used 100% green sustainable energy. The main and long-term objective is to promote sustainable fishing and sustainable fishing practices among the Bulgarian Black Sea fishing fleet.

According to the strategy of Push the young generation focuses on wearing expensive and renowned brands. This is financially difficult for young people, forcing them into more and more shopping of fast fashion, thus exacerbating pollution problems. Hence the idea of an online platform for second-hand clothes is born, which, however, is tailored to the Generation Z wishes and requirements. The company already generates profits and is gaining ground as a preferred platform for purchase and sale of clothing by young people in Bulgaria.

All three start-up companies presented their plans for future development and sought support for their realization from top managers and entrepreneurs, members of the CEO Angels Club, investing their own funds in start-up companies against a company stake.

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