Notification for discontinuing the use of payment package „Business Convenience +"

24 October 2018
Dear clients,
With the following, pursuant to Item 12 of the General Terms and Conditions for Purchasing and Use of Packages by Legal Entities and Sole Proprietors, applicable to the relations between You and the Bank, we give one month’s notice for termination of the use of the “Business Convenience +” package effective as of 24.11.2018.
According to the General Terms and Conditions for Purchasing and Use of packages, the termination of the package shall not terminate the use of the products and services included in it, but their use will be modified into personal preferential terms, as follows:
- Monthly fee for account servicing – in accordance with the Bank’s Fees and commissions tariffs for business clients
- International debit card – in accordance with the Bank’s Fees and commissions tariffs for business clients
- Outgoing interbank BISERA transfers online in BGN – BGN 0.60
- Outgoing intrabank transfers online in BGN – free of charge
- Cash deposits in BGN – up to BGN 10 000 per day – free of charge, above BGN 10 000 – 0.20%
Therefore, as of 24.11.2018, the use of any payment services included in the “Business Convenience +” package program will be subject to the pricing terms outlined above.