Our mobile banking application with a silver distinction at the Mobile Excellence Awards

14 October 2016
The first participation of the UMobile application in an app competition brought a silver prize at the Mobile Excellence Awards 2016 for United Bulgarian Bank and Mellon Company - developer of the app’s user interface.
The award ceremony was held in October in the city of Athens, Greece, as the panel that distinguished UMobile comprised senior executives from the institutions, organizing the competition, mobile business and marketing consultants, as well as mobile app experts.
UMobile was highly prized for showcasing an enhanced and uniform mobile banking user experience across any mobile devices and operating systems. With UMobile UBB’s clients have quick, easy and secure access to reports on all banking products and the most popular bank transactions.
"UMobile is the outcome of three teams’ hard work and persistence; Mellon Technologies, Mellon Bulgaria and, of course, UBB. We are honored to receive this important award along with our very good customer” commented Mr. Panagiotis Vlachos, Executive Director at Mellon Bulgaria EAD.
“UBB is a bank upholding its customers and searching for innovative approaches in servicing their needs for the last 25 years. We implemented our long-standing experience in offering them the most convenient and user-oriented mobile banking approach. This prize is not only a proof of our continuous search for being a modern and innovative banking institution, but also a recognition for our teams, which were fully dedicated to developing the most innovative mobile banking application on the Bulgarian market”, shared Ms. Lambrina Gecheva – Head of Payment Product and Services Department at UBB.
Mobile Excellence Awards target the mobile business and marketing ecosystem and shed light on the most innovative practices and case studies. The awards are organized for the second time by Boussias Communications and ELTRUN (E-business Research Centre, Athens University of Economics and Business), and are supported by HAMAC (Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies), EEKT (Greek Mobile Operators Association), SEPE (Federation of Greek Information Technologies and Communications Enterprises) , iab Hellas (Interactive Advertising Bureau Greece) , GRECA (Greek e-Commerce association) and HACE (Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers).