Mr. Georgi Nalbantski has been appointed as a Procurator and “Sales” Director of Raiffeisen Leasing.

24 August 2005
Since August 23, 2005, Mr. Georgi Nalbantski has been appointed as a Procurator and “Sales” Director of Raiffeisen Leasing .
The new procurator has been working in the bank business for 19 years. He worked in UBB, CCB and since 2002 he has been a branch manager of Pazardjik and Velingrad offices of Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria). He has graduated from Economic Academy in Svishtov. He specialized crediting in Chicago (USA) and Rabobank (Netherlands).
Raiffeisen Leasing Bulgaria OOD was founded in 2004 and is owned by Raiffeisen Leasing International, Vienna and Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD. Raiffeisen Leasing Bulgaria is a universal leasing company and through Raiffeisenbank’s 68 offices offers a big variety of leasing products focused on the financial leasing. Raiffeisen Leasing works with companies as well as private individuals and funds the purchase of new and used vehicles, production and specialized equipment from an amount of BGL 10 000 (EUR 5 000) upward.