BNB Comprehensive Assessment

15 August 2016
On 13 August 2016 the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) announced the results of the Comprehensive Assessment of all the banks operating in Bulgaria, which consisted of an Asset Quality Review (AQR) and a Stress Test. This unique and complex exercise, aimed at assessing objectively the stability of all Bulgarian banks and their resilience under adverse future assumptions for deterioration of the operational environment. BNB supervised and coordinated the process, ensuring overall quality assurance.
United Bulgarian Bank (UBB) has exhibited very good results in both the AQR and the subsequent stress testing, confirming its solid capital position and resilient and robust balance sheet. As a result of the AQR exercise the CET1 ratio was adjusted by only 0.4%, from 26.1% to 25.7%, which is well above the minimum required of 4.5%. In the Stress Test that followed, the AQR adjusted CET1 ratio of 25.7% is projected to increased to 34.0% in the baseline scenario and to 25.8% in the adverse scenario in 2018. The successful results represent a confirmation of UBB's prudent management approach. UBB, a bank with strong brand recognition and deeply rooted customer relationships, is committed to attain its strong capital adequacy in the future.
The Comprehensive assessment, which is unprecedented in both scope and scale, enhances transparency in the Bulgarian banking system. It provides a clear indication for the stability of the country’s banking sector and justifies general public confidence in Bulgarian banks and their regulator, the BNB.