UBB clients can now effect electronically most popular transactions without a certificate
20 May 2015
- The functionality is accessible by natural persons and allows for performance of main transaction types
An opportunity for effecting main transaction types from a desktop computer or a mobile device without the need to install a certificate will be provided to natural persons – clients of UBB e-banking - effective from 20 May 2015.
The new functionality will enable the effecting of most popular financial operations in an utterly secure manner and by only entering a user name and password:
Fund transfers between same owner accounts;
Exchange of foreign currency;
Own credit card limit repayment;
Payment confirmation of utility bills and mode change;
Payment of taxes (through the „My Taxes“ functionality)
The new functionality will be accessible by all natural persons- clients of UBB e-banking - with no need of additional request. Thus the bank aims at establishing a convenient and secure banking environment for its clients, by facilitating their access to core banking transactions with their own accounts.
At the same time transactions, routed to accounts of other persons or companies, will continue to be effected by using (on transaction level) a certificate, a token device or an SMS.
For its clients’ convenience UBB now offers an e-banking certificateless login option, through a verified by the Bank e-mail address, which is to serve as a user name.
UBB employs due care for the protection of its clients and their financial operations, while reminding that each and every user of UBB e-banking could also protect his/her personal and banking data and operations by keeping himself/herself updated of the current security measures, published in Security section of UBB’s e-banking. Along with that UBB warrants that it will never request personal data of yours through either a website or e-mail, nor will it ever demand information about user names, passwords, bank account or card numbers.
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