KBC Asset Management NV, Belgium has acquired 100% of the shares of KBC Investment Management

30 November 2022
Dear customers,
We would like to inform you that as of November 29th 2022 KBC Asset Management NV, Belgium has acquired 100% of the shares of KBC Investment Management (former Raiffeisen Asset Management Bulgaria) and became its sole owner. The change in the ownership follows the strategy for the integration of KBC Group’s entities in Bulgaria, the leading finance-insurance group in the country.
The transfer of the shares does not lead to any changes for the customers of KBC Investment Management (former Raiffeisen Asset Management Bulgaria), and they do not need to take any steps. Their assets will continue to be managed in the same professional way, enhanced by the expertise of the leading asset management company in Belgium, Czech Republic, and Bulgaria.
KBC Asset Management NV has more than 70 years of experience in asset management and since its entry in Bulgaria, confirmed its role as a leading company and innovator. Its numerous awards for innovations, its results and a responsible approach to investments reinforce the role of the company not only as a leader, but also as an important part of the transition to a more sustainable society. With EUR 364 bln. total assets under management as of September 2022, KBC Group is known for its fully client-oriented approach. Today the company imposes the role of responsible investing as the next important step towards a new and sustainable world.