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UBB’s Choose to Help Donation Campaign in search of good causes and projects for 2024


16 July 2024

From 15 July until 15 August non-governmental organizations, foundations, institutions and individuals will be able to apply with their own projects in the Choose to Help donation campaign of UBB. The application form is accessible on the Bank’s website at the following address: https://www.ubb.bg/izberi.

For Y2024 the Bank has selected two priority topics – „Healthcare“ and „Social Activities“, as it will also accept and consider proposals in the other two routine domains, being „Culture and Education“ and „Protection of the Environment“. UBB seeks projects that bring along sustainable solutions to significant causes and problems in those spheres. An additional bonus during the assessment and selection will be given to those projects, envisaging volunteer work upon their implementation.

„To me it is a real pleasure to announce the start of the consecutive edition of UBB’s Choose to Help campaign. I believe that with this year’s edition of the campaign we will set new standards in volunteering and will engage much more people and resources for finding solutions to really significant causes.“, shared Mr. Peter Roebben, Chief Executive Officer about the campaign launch.

Projects submission is expected to continue within a month, starting from 15 July until 15 August. After that date all received proposals will be considered in view of choosing out of those the ones to participate in the real donation phase.

What is specific about the Choose to Help programme is that UBB is going to support donation activities among its employees by adding the amount of BGN 100 to those who have donated BGN 10 and more for a given project; BGN 50 to those who have donated from BGN 5 up to BGN 9.99 for a given project, BGN 20 to those who have donated from BGN 1 up to BGN 4.99 for a given project.

This is the 5-th edition of the Choose to Help campaign which UBB continues to realize as a significant commitment of its to the society. Over the past years, thanks to the received financing from it the realized projects in the heathcare, education and culture domains are more than 300, while invested funds exceed BGN 3.8 million.

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