The IBAN numbers of all clients of the former CIBANK already have the BIC code of UBB

01 August 2018
Your old and new IBAN numbers will be simultaneously valid until the end of 2018
Since the beginning of August all UBB clients already have IBAN numbers of their accounts, containing the name of the United Bank – UBBS. This imposes a change, relating only to the clients of the former CIBANK, which merged into UBB at the beginning of February. This change is purely technical and will in no way whatsoever impact on their accounts or the related to them banking products and services.
For convenience purposes clients’ present IBANs will remain valid by the end of December 2018, to give them sufficient time to inform upon need their employers, partners, counterparties and institutions.
Information about the new numbers of their accounts can be obtained at a convenient for them UBB branch or through the especially developed IBAN converter on the Bank’s corporate website. The web tool is accessible here, where you can find information about the merger, as well as additional clarifications on the current change. Information about the new account numbers will not be provided over the phone in view of avoiding errors.
Upon need of personal assistance the Bank’s Contact Centre team is available to all clients at 0 700 117 17 or *7171 (for mobile operator subscribers).