The funds of KBC Investment Management will be merged into the funds of KBC Asset Management NV

31 January 2023
As a part of the integration within the KBC Group in Bulgaria, the boards of directors of the two companies have decided to reorganise by merger as follows :
- Raiffeisen (Bulgaria) Global Mix is merged into “UBB ExpertEase Defensive Balanced (EURO)”
For more information on the strategy of each of the receiving Sub-Funds, clients can refer to the Key Information Document and the Accepting Fund Prospectus, which can be obtained from a branch of KBC Bank Bulgaria EAD, a branch of UBB AD, and can be viewed on the websites of UBB Asset Management - and UBB - in Savings and Investments section.
The costs of the conversion will be fully borne by KBC Asset Management N.V. - Branch.
If clients do not wish to have their units transferred to the receiving fund(s), they may sell their units without a redemption fee until 17 March 2023. If they do not exercise their redemption rights by 17 March, after 29 March their units will be automatically transferred and replaced with units in the host sub-funds managed by KBC Asset Management N.V. - Branch.