European week, dedicated to prevention and raising the awareness on money muling

23 November 2016
Dear clients,
We would like to announce the launch of the new informative campaign in line with the European week on prevention and raising the awareness on the so called “money muling” – the European Money Mule Action Campaign - which we at the United Bulgarian Bank stand by and support.
The campaign aims at bringing the growing cybercrime activity into the public eye and providing information on how you can protect yourselves from becoming a “money mule”, unknowingly involved in cybercrime.
- What is money muling?: Money mules are a contemporary phenomenon, needed by criminal groups, involved in cybercrimes of financial nature for acquiring (money laundering) unlawfully transferred funds.
- Howtoprotectyourselvesfrombecomingamoneymule: detailed information on what to watch out for while online and what to do should you suspect that you have become a fraud victim is available here.
The European Week on Prevention and Raising the Awareness on Money Muling will be simultaneously held until 27 November 2016 in 15 countries – Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, the USA, Ukraine, France, the Netherlands and Croatia.
Detailed information about the campaign is posted on and websites, as well as on the Internet page of Europol.
You can follow the informative publications with #Don'tbeaMule hashtag. Through the same hashtag you can follow the publications on our official page in Facebook:, and in LinkedIn:
UBB Team