Today BNB presented a new circulation coin of 2 levs nominal value, issue 2015

26 November 2015
Today the Deputy Governor in charge of the BNB Issue Department Mr. Kalin Hristov presented at a press conference the new circulation coin with nominal value of 2 levs, issue 2015, which will be in circulation from 7 December 2015. The press conference was attended by the BNB Chief Cashier Mr. Stefan Tsvetkov, the Director of Issuing Policy and Control Directorate Mr. Christo Dichovski the Executive Director of the Bulgarian Mint Mr. Tsvetan Buyukliiski and the author of the artistic design of the coin Mrs. Vanya Dimitrova. With today’s presentation the Central Bank launches the national public awareness campaign for the new circulation coin: at branches of all commercial banks, post offices, airports, border points, public transport, big chain stores, etc.
Information about the coin can be found here.