Allianz Bulgaria Financier EAD Issued its First Corporate Bond

30 September 2005
On Sep. 29, 2005, Allianz Bulgaria Financier EAD issued its first corporate bond with a par value of EUR 20 million. Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD and Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG, Vienna, are joint Lead Managers of the transaction. The bond has the following characteristics: 3-year term; maturity on Sep. 29, 2008; fixed coupon at 3.70% per year, bond par value is EUR 1000. The bonds are collateralized with a first priority pledge of receivables on automobile loans.
The bonds were privately placed at their primary offering. At a subsequent stage the bonds will be offered for public trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange – Sofia AD.
Since the beginning of 2004, Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD successfully structured and placed as Lead Manager 16 corporate, mortgage, and municipal bonds at the total amount of EUR 136 million, thus strengthening the bank’s leading position on the Bulgarian debt market.
„Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria is in the investors’ spotlight due to its performance and good strategic alignment. Hence, we are confident that this issue will become a benchmark transaction for the Bulgarian market“, says Patrick Butler, who is responsible for treasury and investment banking within RZB’s Board of Management. Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG (RZB) is one of the most active participants on the Central and Eastern European debt market. It is the central institution of the Raiffeisen Banking Group, Austria's most powerful banking group. It is a leading corporate and investment bank in Austria and also considers Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) as its home market, where it operates, via Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG (Raiffeisen International), a network of 15 subsidiary banks with more than 920 banking outlets, as well as two representative offices, in 16 markets. RZB's network banks rank among the three largest banks in eight CEE markets.