A New Chairman of United Bulgarian Bank’s Board of Directors

31 May 2016
Today, 31.05.2016, at its session UBB Board of Directors, by proposal of Mr. Stilian Vatev, Chief Executive Officer, has decided that the position of BoD Chairman, held by Mr. Vatev since Y2013 to date, will be taken over by Mr. Marinis Stratopoulos - non-executive member of the Board and General Manager International Activities of the Group of National Bank of Greece.
This change has been triggered by the adopted in March this year Corporate Governance Code, according to which the Chairperson’s position should be held by a non-executive member of the Board of Directors.
Effective from 31.05.2016, UBB AD Board of Directors comprises, as follows:
Mr. Marinis Stratopoulos BoD Chairman and Member
Mr. Stilian Vatev, BoD Member
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Radka Toncheva, BoD Member
Executive Director
Mr.Teodor Marinov, BoD Member
Mr. Anastasios Lizos, BoD Member
Mr. Konstantions Bratos, BoD Member
Mr. Alexandros Benos, BoD Member