0700 117 17 will remain the single phone number of the Contact Center for all clients of the united bank

03 Decempber 2018
Dear clients,
We would like to inform you that the following telephone number: 0700 14 554 – the Contact Centre number of the former CIBANK, which merged with UBB at the beginning of February – will be transferred to the currently valid number of UBB’s Contact Centre. Upon need to contact the united bank, you may reach our Contact Centre at 0700 117 17 or *7171 (short number for subscribers of Bulgarian mobile network operators). If abroad, please dial +3592 483 1717.
Outgoing call charges to the above stated telephone numbers of our Contact Centre will remain unchanged, as per the tariffs and policies of the used by the client Bulgarian (or foreign) mobile network operator. United Bulgarian Bank is neither involved in, nor has it any liability whatsoever for charges on telephone calls to our Contact Centre, nor for the mobile operators’ policies and tariff plans.